Cooper Brigham Jensen joined our family on April, 9th 2013. He weighed 6 lb. and 15 oz. He was 20 inches long. This is him on his special day...his blessing day which was June 9th, his two month birthday. :)
Who would have thunk that we'd have 6 kiddos? Well, they are here. HE is here. I knew he was supposed to come. No surprise when he did. And we couldn't love him more. What an angel. A gift from Heavenly Father. What a great life this is, and what a great blessing he is.
I am exhausted and a terrible blogger these days...hmmmmm...I wonder why? :) SOMEDAY, I will catch up, but for now I am going to enjoy the moment. Smelling him, holding and cuddling him. He is already two months old. Smiling, alert. A happy boy. But he is growing. Growing fast. Sigh........Why do they always do this? I know now, after six of them, that it goes fast, so with each little one I enjoy them even more. Pretty soon he will be running with the rest of our pack. Joining the group or the "posse" and Brandon would say.
But for now, I am going to savor each moment and remember them when he is all grown. Love him.
1 week ago