Sunday, March 9, 2008

In Honor of the Six B's...

I choose to be grateful. What a multitude of blessings I enjoy. I get caught up in the mundane day to day...the hard tasks...not being able to keep the house clean...etc. When I do this I miss the little moments. I forget my blessings. I am not enjoying the beautiful children I have, and I do have beautiful children! I certainly wouldn't want to wish this time away, only to be sorry when it has passed. What a shame that would be! I still remember our sweet bus driver Diane saying to me, "This is the best time of your life. I would do it all again if I could!" There is a sweet baby at Primary Children's Hospital who is very sick. He is my baby's age. He had pneumococcal meningitis, and has been in the hospital for over a month. Each day I check his little blog for updates. His name is Charlie and I don't know him or his parents, but I think about them all the time. He is adorable. Talk about life reaching out and smacking you in the face. I often wonder why things like this happen. I don't have the answers. I suppose that is why we have the gospel and why faith and hope are so important. Life is hard enough to go through and I am so grateful we have the gospel to fall back on!
"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead."-Marjorie Pay Hinckley