This post turned a little longer than planned! I will understand if some of my readers don't read it all! I like to do an update here on the blog about Gavin every 6 months. I started when he was six months old and then did one at one year. I so wish I had done a blog when the twins were babies!
Gavin is the sunshine boy of our lives right now. He is such a loving little child. He is always giving us kisses and hugs. He just melts our hearts. All of the kids adore him. It is very fun to watch them all with him and truly love him. Zach HAS to give his "schmoopsy poo" a kiss every morning and after every nap, without fail.
Megan loves her baby brother. It has been fun to see her relationship with him grow. When she first found out he was a boy, well, let's not mince words: Weeping and wailing were sometimes seen! When he was born, she loved him and felt much better. Now even just recently, she has said things like: "I can't believe how much I love Gavin." Or, "Gavin is the cutest boy ever!" Or, "I'm so glad we get to keep Gavin forever because I love him!" And that is even with him constantly messing up her room, so she must really love him!
He loves tools! I mean the REAL tools. He seems to know the difference between real tools and toy ones. The real ones are just too tempting. One day he got several tools out of the drawer such as pliers, screwdrivers etc. I held the tools while he took turns with each one, fixing something! He would take one and use it and then put it down and go on to the next one for a long time.
He also likes balls like Tanner did. He likes to put one in the hoop every once in a while(with a little help) and play catch. Tanner is excited to play sports with him. Tanner says Gavin is his twin. Tanner looked very much like Gavin at this age. So Tanner says there are two sets of twins in the family.
Gav LOVES animals. Especially horses. We have to constantly drive by horses for this boy! He finally rode one at Thanksgiving Point a few weeks back. He could have stayed there all day. We are due for another trip to the zoo soon. We have a family pass and those are the best deal! I think he loves animals at an earlier age than the other kids did. He is very drawn to them and loves to make the animal sounds.
Gavin came into the world at almost ten pounds and did everything very fast. I hardly had an infant for very long. He has always been in such a hurry to grow and be a big kid. Boo hoo for me!
Gavin the Gavinator is pretty much into everything right now. Our house is sometimes a disaster and I'm tired a lot! Phew! He can push a chair over to things and get up to everything. But he is a cutie patootie and you know he must be, because Megan wants to keep him(she said so!) and so do we. :)
(I recently had his pics taken in his Halloween costume! They'll be posted later. I couldn't resist. He's the baby and he looked too cute.)
3 days ago