Saturday, May 29, 2010

Almost There from The Princess and the Frog

Working on getting both of Megan's dance concert performances and the dance festival performances downloaded and put on here. She is in purple...6th from the right at beginning when they line up...apron up high. what's with that little girl pushing her to move up at 1:02? That really bugged me. But worth watching for the pose Megan strikes at the end.


Molly said...

Very cute!! Megan, you are getting so grown up!!

The aMAYSing Family said...

Dang! I can't get the video to play..send me the link on FB. I loved Bailey's dance recital...I was counting along with them - 5-6-7-8 and twirl and leap and point and point :)

sharonspot said...

So cute! I miss those dance recital days.