Monday, May 18, 2009

Fruits of my Labor


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Megan made this cute book about me:

Here is me!

Here we are at the store:

Here we are on a girls' night out:

Tanner surprised me on Mother's Day with those cute flowers on wooden sticks with little "jobs" for him to do. He had hidden it in a pocket in his backpack. He also brought me a plant he had done at Scouts. Zach made me a cute frame with stickers. Megan made me a foam "MOM" sign with her picture. Brandon got me a new massaging shower head! So fun! And a new book that his friend wrote with her mom-you know the Eyres. My mother-in-law gave me a book about cupcake making. It was a good Mother's Day, and you know the best part about it?



Lisa said...

Being a mom is hard sometimes, but it is worth it to look at those beautiful faces!

Lyndzi said...

You must be an awesome mom! That's so cute.

Christina Updike said...

I can't believe how much love I have for my own little one. Aren't kids just the VERY best. Motherhood definitely has its challenges - but when I look at our baby = every challenge is worth it.

Your sweet children are so beautiful!! You are such a GREAT mom!!!

Tina said...

that is a great idea to take pics of what they made, so you have it forever. I love that.. You are a great mom Jen! Hope you have having a nice summer!