Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank Heaven For Little Girls!

Megan loves to help with Gavin. I could of used her when I first had the twins...too bad she was 1/2 of "the twins"!
Oh well, I'll take what I can get!

Thanks Meg for being so sweet and wanting to help with your sweet little bro. He sure loves you!


Amy said...

Megan and Caite are a lot alike. They would live being friends if we lived close by.

Lyndzi said...

That so sweet. We have the little frog bowl too. I am hoping Kamden will want to be helpful. There's nothing like a helpful big sister.

Vanessa said...

I love when Aubrey gets Vivi out of bed and gets her breakfast. That is my favorite!

Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

Mine don't seem to be helpful until we go out of town and I only hear what good siblings they are. I guess better for other people to see them etting along. :) cute pictures.