Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Summer Randoms

Well, it's probably because my camera is broken, because I am so lost without my camera! But I decided to post some random things I missed posting over the summer. After all, I didn't blog about Tan's baseball games or the kids' swimming lessons, or Brandon's trip to Boston, or some of our get togethers with cousins etc. So I call this "Summer Randoms" and I do so with a little touch of sadness to see the summer gone! This year, when I the kids and I first saw the Halloween things in the store we were actually a little ticked! We were just NOT ready. Now we are at least DISCUSSING costumes. The slideshow is running a little fast and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe I just picked a fast format. Farewell summer!


Vanessa said...

I love your background (very BYU-esque) That takes a lot for me to say since we aren't fans around our house.

Vanessa said...

PS, I love your music! I've been listening to it while blog stalking!

Brandon and Jen Jensen said...
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Molly said...

Jen, I got Andie's outfit at Macy's - I think they were relatively new out, so they should have them.