Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tanner scores 3 goals!

Tanner had a great soccer game today.
He was very proud of himself for scoring 3 goals and he should be!
He has grown so much since he played in the fall.
The games just started back up this week and he is a great player!
Go Tanner!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter 2008

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our little bunny's first Hoppy Easter!!!

Gavin is our cute little bunny!
We love, love, love this kid! Happy 1st Easter to Gavin!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Questions about life, death and dear sweet Sachet

Today in the car after Megan's dance class, she said to me, "Mommy am I going to die someday?" I paused and then said," Well, yes....we all are going to die someday. It is part of life, but not for a really long time." I then said something about how we will get our bodies back again because Jesus came to earth, sacrificed and died for us so we can live again. She said, "It is taking a REALLY long time for Sachet to get her body back." Sachet is our sweet family cat that died almost 1 year ago next month. She was 17 years old and gorgeous as ever. My mom's next door neighbor's dog came over and killed her on her own front porch on Easter Sunday. It was a traumatic day. (I am still surprised it didn't put me into labor...too bad it didn't considering Gav was born at almost 10 lbs. three weeks later!) Tanner understood what had happened and grieved at the time. Megan on the other hand was so young that she never understood how long Sachet was really gone for. I think it is now starting to sink in, because she is noticing that she has been gone for such a long time. I guess that is her first real taste of death being that she was 1 when my dad passed away, and not born when Brandon's dad passed away. Easter is now almost here. What a great time to talk about life after death and "getting our bodies back."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day

Every year the boys wear their Irish soccer shirts that dad got them from Ireland. I will be sad when they don't fit anymore!

Megan had a fun morning at preschool with her green party and brought home a plateful of green treats.

No pinching around here! The green is covered.

Tanner enjoyed a nice game of backyard soccer outside in the windy weather!

Gavin loves his bouncing Zebra!

Goin' to the skating rink (or scooter rink in this case)

Zach eating his pizza!

The scooter kids

In this video, Tanner is in the orange shirt at the beginning. You can see the twins pretty clearly.

Who knew that spending hardly any money would make the kids so happy? Zach and Megan's school held a special skating night at Classic Skating and everyone got in free and we took our scooters. We had never done this before but they had a blast! We only paid for our little $2 dinner deals(basically pizza and a drink) and a few bucks for games and prizes. Tanner acted like it was the coolest thing ever! Who needs Disneyland when you have Classic Skating! :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

In Honor of the Six B's...

I choose to be grateful. What a multitude of blessings I enjoy. I get caught up in the mundane day to day...the hard tasks...not being able to keep the house clean...etc. When I do this I miss the little moments. I forget my blessings. I am not enjoying the beautiful children I have, and I do have beautiful children! I certainly wouldn't want to wish this time away, only to be sorry when it has passed. What a shame that would be! I still remember our sweet bus driver Diane saying to me, "This is the best time of your life. I would do it all again if I could!" There is a sweet baby at Primary Children's Hospital who is very sick. He is my baby's age. He had pneumococcal meningitis, and has been in the hospital for over a month. Each day I check his little blog for updates. His name is Charlie and I don't know him or his parents, but I think about them all the time. He is adorable. Talk about life reaching out and smacking you in the face. I often wonder why things like this happen. I don't have the answers. I suppose that is why we have the gospel and why faith and hope are so important. Life is hard enough to go through and I am so grateful we have the gospel to fall back on!
"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead."-Marjorie Pay Hinckley